Thursday 26 April 2012


We are all guilty of judging people, intentionally or subconsciously. Sometimes we act on our judgements, sometimes we change our behaviour towards people who do not fit into a mould we are comfortable with.

We ourselves are judged, on our appearance, our beliefs, our ethnicity, our social abilities, our wealth or lack of wealth. Being judged isn't nice, and being attacked is even worse. As Catholics we are an easy target, there are many people who disagree with the church and its teachings, people who do not like the fundamental beliefs or our religion and take pleasure is undermining it whenever possible. We have to try not to be intimidated by this, I always try to show my faith to those around, with rosary beads, religious bracelets, pin badges or abstaining from meat on Fridays. We can't repress our own beliefs for the opinion of the few, I get into many discussions started by people noticing my badges or asking why I'm not eating meat. These discussions help my own faith to grow and sometimes give the inquisitor something to think about.

One thing we should try not to do however is automatically assume all atheists are bad people. This goes totally against what Christ teaches. We are all Gods children and we should not form our opinions based on another's beliefs just as we hate being judged for our own. I try to treat everyone equally regardless of their faith, gender or nationality. I'm not always successful but I would not be a true Christian if I wasn't giving everyone to same respect.

I tried an exercise recently that helped me to curb my own judgmental side, I went out of my way to have a conversation with someone who had previously annoyed me with an anti-religious sentiment. I did not do this to start a debate, I did not do this to try and alter this persons views, I did it to prove to myself I can still have a genuine friendship with someone even though our fundamental beliefs are different.

Another example is Richard Dawkins. He is an anti-religious, critical and condeming person. But he is also intelligent, witty and probably a really nice man. He isn't evil, he isn't a vicious dictator, he is simply an academic with an opinion that he shares with others. We can debate with people and have differing opinions but we should not criticise others based purely on their beliefs. Not all my friends are Catholic but I do not favour those that are over others. I would hope my friends know I respect them all on individual merit, sometimes some of them will disagree with that but I will always try my best to be fair.

Judgement should be left to God Almighty, we should not try to inflict our own human karma or wish anybody harm based on their opinions. God made all of us and God does not make mistakes. He knows us all inside out and is especially fond of each and every one of us. We should always concentrate on what we can change.. ourselves:

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?"

Matthew 7:1-4

May God bless you all and send his spirit upon you


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