Sunday 15 April 2012

Passion Poem...


On the floor beneath the heavens, our Saviour cries in pain,
Calling to His father, calling out his name,
Tempted by the devil who slithered out of a hole,
Agony in His body, agony in His soul.

‘Father please save me, take my pain I pray,
Father please have mercy, take this cup away.
We can bring these souls to heaven in another way,
I’ll spread your name worldwide, starting from today.’

The sky was dark around Him, the trees themselves were still
‘Then let it be done Father, according to your will.’
With the fear within Him, God’s child began to cry,
To save the souls of the living, Jesus Christ must die.

The guards would come to get him, the traitor would succeed,
For 30 pieces of silver, Judas has done his deed.
His disciples were close at hand, but his disciples were asleep.
He said ‘Your spirit is willing, but your flesh is weak.’

The elders of the Jews, took Him to be tried,
His followers were useless, Peter thrice denied.
Pilate put it to the people, who shall we crucify?
The crowd chanted Jesus, Jesus Christ must die!

Disfigured from His beating, blood matted in His hair,
Barely able to stand, He was given His cross to bear.
Falling every step, whipped to keep His pace,
Kind Veronica came to Him, wiping blood from His face.

Watching her son suffer, with the rest stood His mother,
He couldn’t go on any further, He needed the help of another.
Who would dare help Him, the guards they had to choose,
It was reluctant Simon of Cyrene, who supported the King of the Jews.

They reached the place of death, where thousands before had died,
The path before Him had ended, he was to be crucified.
Stretching out his hands, the nails they went straight through,
Jesus said, ‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do’.

Suffering on the cross, dying with common thieves,
On the floor below Him, His mother Mary grieved.
Giving up His spirit, bowing His blood stained head,
Darkness fell across the land, Jesus Christ was dead.

His disciple and mother waited, contemplating words spoken,
Now watched His side being pierced, while criminals legs were broken.
The child that God himself created, conceived within her womb,
Now taken down, wrapped in cloth, and rested in a tomb.

His disciples now scared of the Jews, the Romans they also feared
Afraid of persecution, His disciples disappeared.
All who were frightened, retreated to the upper room,
It was the women who discovered, Jesus had risen from the tomb.

Jesus appeared to all of them, to put any doubts to rest,
Filling those who heard his words, with love and happiness.
Persecuted here on earth, now sitting on His throne,
The stone that the builders rejected, became the corner stone.

Let’s use Christ as our example of how perfect we can be,
God sent His only son, He came to set us free.
All of mankind’s sins, he promises to forgive.
Our Saviour died on the cross, so the rest of us can live!


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