Thursday 8 March 2012

Can you be a good Catholic without attending mass?

My initial response to this question is no! I've met a couple of baptised catholics recently who say they lead good lives but do not have time for mass in their lives. Believers who are not willing to commit time to attending mass on a Sunday. I can totally understand why, mass can be very boring to those who do not feel God in their lives. If you are not asking to be moved by the holy spirit you are sitting in a large room with people reciting age old prayers. It why atheists can't understand why anyone would submit themselves to the control of a Church and be restricted by its rules. If you are outside looking in then catholicism is restrictive, but when you are inside looking out it is one of the most liberating experiences you can have.

I think that you can be a good person without going to mass, people of all backgrounds and religions can be good people, great people. Loving, humble and generous people. But Holy Mass must be at the center of your faith if you want to practice catholicism. I used to believe a practicing catholic was someone who went to mass every Sunday. I now believe this is the absolute minimum that is expected and that if you do not actively participate in your faith in some form on a daily basis then you are not growing and living your life for Christ. When you do start the give more to your faith you will be showered with blessings and feel the power of God through the Holy Spirit. Once this relationship starts to grow you will wonder how you ever lived your life without faith.

If you want to be a good catholic you must center your life around prayer, charity, fasting and Jesus Christ made present the world over ever second through the miracle of Holy Mass.

God Bless


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